Confirmadas novas datas para o TechNet Europe 2020: 1 e 2 de Junho de 2021.

Trata-se de um evento anual organizado pela AFCEA Europe, que deverá decorrer em Lisboa, em local a indicar oportunamente e que tem como tema global: “Challenging Times for National Security – Technologies for Better Cyber Defence, Sustainable Workforce and Battlefield Resilience“.

Todos os detalhes sobre este Evento e os procedimentos para inscrição podem encontrar-se no site da AFCEA Europe (TechNet 2020).


O programa provisório compreende 2 sessões de trabalho, da seguinte forma:

Sessão 1A Nation’s Cyber Defence – Never Successful Alone

Painel 1:  New approaches/strategies in Cyber Security (post-Covid-19)

Painel 2: Turning technology into a weapon: Defence against AI supported Cyber attacks?

Sessão 2Digital Resilience on the Battlefield – It Is a Must!

Painel 3: Challenges of Chief Digital Officers Today – How to Proceed with the Digitalisation of Forces?
Painel 4: On Resilience-Supporting Technologies/Deployable CIS solutions/Edge computing/Combat cloud
Estão confirmados os seguintes oradores:

– Dr. João Gomes Cravinho, Minister of National Defence, Portugal

– Admiral António Silva Ribeiro, Chief of Defence, Armed Forces, Portugal

– Rear Admiral António Gameiro Marques, Director-General, National Security Authority (GNS), Portugal

 Mr. John Sherman, Chief Information Officer, Department of Defence, USA

– Major General Jorge Côrte-Real Andrade, Subdirector-General of National Defence Resources, Ministry of Defence, Portugal

– Major General Giovanni Manione, Deputy Director General of the EUMS

– Dr. Garry Hargreaves, Director, NATO NCI Academy

– Dr. Johann Schmid, Director CoI Strategy and Defence, European Centre of Excellence, Countering Hybrid Threats, Finland

– Brigadier-General João António Campos Rocha, Director of CIS, EMGFA, Portugal

– Commodore João Paulo Ramalho Marreiros, Head of Research and Development Centre, Military University Institute (IUM), Portugal

– Brigadier General Frank Pieper, German Army

– Mr. Petr Jirasek, Cyber Security & IT Adviser, Member of the AFCEA Cyber Committee